Our HIS-tory

The Organization

Saint John Missionary Baptist Church was organized on July 28, 1890, in the home of Deacon and Sister J. H. Camp, Brother and Sister Aaron Simms, Reverend and Sister Robert Preyer, with Reverend Preyer being its first pastor.

Our First Building

In the early 1900’s, the membership increased. The church purchased a lot at 2600 South Main Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1923, the congregation had a remodeling program at a cost of $1,200.00. In 1935, Reverend Gold was elected as pastor. A mortgage for remodeling in 1935 had not been completely paid and compounding interest had forced the note back to its original amount, and St. John suffered a foreclosure. In June 1937, St. John started anew, with services held in a storefront at 31st and Louisiana Streets. Later a tent was set up at 2524 South Main Street and a permanent structure was later erected. In March 1942, Reverend J. M. Oliver was elected pastor. Under his leadership, a permanent worship structure was completed. Later a second floor was added. During this period, sixty-six were added to the membership.

In October 1959, Reverend J. L. Nichols was elected. Under his leadership, the church merged with the Oak Grove Baptist Church. He was a musical and a prayerful minded person. He placed much emphasis on prayer. He believed that if a church was to progress and be successful, it must be a praying church. He also believed in the advancement of youth. The church membership increased by eighty-eight under his pastorate. Because of a lengthy illness and eventually death of the pastor in June 1968, the church membership dropped drastically.

A New Beginning

In October 1968, The Reverend C. Dennis Edwards I, having a vigor of youth, divinely called, and endowed with the power to preach, teach, and lead, was elected. The church increased spiritually, educationally, and in size to over one thousand members. Many organizations and ministers were added to the church program, with focus on the family and Christian education for the family. A three department Sunday School, Midweek Training and Worship; Audio-Visual, Transportation Ministry; A Singles and Married Ministry, Tape Ministry, Christian Education Committee, Tutoring Program, Youth Council, Evangelistic, Nursery, Outreach Ministry, and many others. Much was accomplished in the early administration while the church worshipped in the old structure at 2524 South Main Street.

Carpet, new church furnishing, piano, organ and a house and lot were purchased. A building fund was also started. Plans were begun for a new church plant, and property was purchased at Main Street and Roosevelt Road as a new site. Although the loan had not been approved, Groundbreaking services were held on the third Sunday in September 1976. Acting on faith, the church knew it would be approved. On October 26, 1976, fired destroyed the building at 2524 South Main Street. God being good, the church did not have to be relocated out of the community but worshipped at the South End Recreation Center. The real church was not destroyed, but increased in size, faith, patience, and love. Two hundred and fifty souls were added during this period. On Wednesday, July 6, 1977, Construction began on a new edifice which had a total building cost of well over a half million dollars. The building was completed in October 1978.

Our Properties

St. John purchased properties located at 2523-2617 Main; additional parking; the annex building at 2504 South Main Street and adjoining properties at 2506-08 Main Street. On August 28, 1985, the building located at 2501 South Main Street was heavily damaged by fire. The fire was set by an arsonist. Again, the building was destroyed, not the church, and services were held at the South End Recreation Center. In 1986, the church paid off properties at 2525-2611 Main Street. Additional properties were purchased and paid off at 2507-2519 Louisiana and 2600 South Main Street. The church also acquired the right-of-way on twenty-six street. The church settled with the insurance company and paid in full the building at 2501 South Main. The present Administration Building at 109 Roosevelt Road was purchased and the Bread of Life Bookstore opened in the Annex Building along with From Bondage to Freedom Ministry. Pastor Edwards presented a plan, “Not Equal Giving, but Equal Sacrifice,” through education, commitment and sacrifice which would enable us to rebuild and expand our seating capacity to 1500 at an approximate cost of 3.1 million dollars in our new worship center. The church hired Carson and Associates, as General Contractor. Construction began in the spring to complete Phase I, at a cost of approximately $800,000 which was completed December 1987. Services were held the first Sunday, January 1988 in our building. Additional properties were purchased on Martel Street. With the purchasing of our two additional vans, our Transportation Ministry grew to three vans. The Word of God traveled through the airwaves and we went on radio with the start of our outreach broadcast ministry, “Enlightenment” airing each Sunday. The church continued to grow numerically and spiritually. In 1993, Pastor Edwards told us that God had given him the new vision to complete our building project. The church hired KINCO, Inc., contractor to build our new worship center. The Worship Center was completed with seating of 1500 at a cost of 3.5 million dollars. The first service was held December 1, 1996. Phase II of the project was completed. In the near future, we will connect the Worship Center to the Education Building and Administration Building and the elevator lobby. Additional property appraised at over $500,000 was purchased on Roosevelt Road for parking. The membership in 1996 grew to 1400 plus members. Other ministries and staff were added to the church’s program. Our church provides two morning worship services, and evening service, and a Midweek Worship and Training service.

In April 1997, our pastor of 28½ years answered his call to the Southern Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. In all of his teaching and preaching, the congregation was taught a final lesson to “Stay by the Stuff.” During the transition period, our church continued in growth, through finance, fellowship, membership, and the Holy Spirit. We stayed by the “Stuff”.

The New Era

In May 1997, the church family called one of its own members, the Reverend Leonard Hawkins, to shepherd this flock. In June 1997, Pastor Hawkins answered the call to be our servant leader, to carry us into the millennium. He came to us July 1997; bringing with him a new church theme, “The Vision Becomes Clearer.” Our ultimate goal of the vision is, “To Win Souls to Christ.” Under his administration, much teaching has been done on Kingdom building and becoming better servant leaders. Our church staff has increased to accommodate the increase in membership and ministry. A new Information System was put in place. Additional properties were purchased on the north side of West 25th Street and properties in front of our worship center on Main Street. The Fellowship Hall and our present administration office has been refurbished and decorated.

In January 1999, we started Phase III of our building program, the construction of an Administration Wing and reconstruction of our old sanctuary into an Education Multi-Purpose Center. We signed a contract with Mr. Dexter Doyne of Doyne Construction Company to complete this project. The total cost of this construction was $2.5 million dollars. The Education Center houses 27 classrooms, a library, and a media (audio/visual) center. The building was completed in September 2000, and occupancy in 2001. Throughout the several building projects, the architectural services were rendered by Branton/Cargile and Associates. The church family dedicated its education center, library, and the administration building. The library has been named in honor of Colone Young and Willie M. Paxton and our education center was named The C. Dennis Edwards Education Center, in honor of our former pastor.

Through a grant-writing program, the Unto Other, Inc., Board/St. John received a grant for an Abstinence Education Program, to teach and train youth in our community, to abstain from sex before marriage, and from the use of drugs. We started our Annual Christmas fellowship for the church family, with over 800 in attendance; the continuation of the Annual May Fest/Health Fair, to the Community Fest; our broadcast ministry expanded, as St. John went to Cable Television. The church services were televised in homes on Thursday and Saturday evenings. Wednesday home feeding for the sick and shut-in, and Holy Communion Services by our ministers and deacons to the shut-in continues in growth. The church’s finances increased, and membership grew to over eighteen hundred with a growth in our midweek training classes to over 260 adults. St. John’s Summer Academy was born during the summer of 1999.

Preparation for the Third Millenium

For the third millennium, the St. John Church family adopted the following themes: 1999:“The Year of Preparation.” During this preparation period, we assessed our lives, our works, and our walk with Christ. Year 2000:“It’s Not About Us! It’s About God!” 2001:”The year of “Evangelism.” 2002: “Factoring Faith for the Future.” This challenge eventuated in a new parking lot, and leasing of the Southend Community Center. Year 2003, emphasis was placed on “Making Prayer The Priority”. Philippians 4:7 states: “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. In 2004, we focused on “Getting To The Heart of the Matter”. In 2005, we prepared our hearts and minds for that day, ‘when we see Jesus face to face’ as we focused on “Getting To the Glory.”

In 2006, we were given the charge to live “Life By The Word.” Reverend Leonard Hawkins served as Senior Pastor until October 27, 2006. Reverend Gary Noble was appointed Pulpit Overseer. Reverend Noble reminded the church body that Jesus Christ was still the compass for our way. The church body remained faithful with the aim that had been set before us, The perpetual aim of this church is to be that “city that is set upon a hill that cannot be hid, not highly visible because of a beautiful building or other material assets, but highly visible because of the light of Christ radiating for this fellowship and because of services rendered to God and man, and also to win souls to Christ.”.

The Renaissance of St. John

In March 2007, Pastor C. Dennis Edwards I, gave the Deacons Ministry of this church, a verbal commitment to return to St. John as its Pastor. On May 1, 2007, Pastor Edwards returned to Little Rock from Southern Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, as the newly elected pastor of this church. The Installation Service for Pastor Edwards was May 13, 2007.

Although the aim of the church was and is still good; the focus of the New Renaissance is our Mission and the Vision Statement given by Pastor Edwards.

  • Our Mission: To advance the kingdom of our Savior through the preaching of the Gospel, the support of missions, and other acts of charity while helping all who come to believe to become fully developing disciples of Jesus Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
  • Vision Statement: We envision a church living up to the challenge of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, and that is an agent for renewal and development of the surrounding community and beyond.

In this New Renaissance, the church family continues to grow in faith through the word of God and calls to remembrance the scripture reading stated in II Chronicles 20:15b – “…for the battle is not yours, but God's.”

Through it all, the church family is steadily growing in membership, finances, Bible studies, and Sunday School. The church staff, as well as ministerial staff has increased with this growth.

Pastors and Years Servered
  • Robert Preyer: 1890-1900
  • W. M. Robbins: 1900-1923
  • C. H. Hill: 1923-1927
  • Samuel Morris: 1927-1928
  • A. H. Randolph: 1928-1935
  • P. A. Gold: 1935-1938
  • A. H. Green: 1938-1941
  • J. M. Oliver: 1942-1959
  • J. L. Nichols: 1959-1968
  • C. Dennis Edwards I: 1968-1997
  • Leonard Hawkins: 1997 - 2006
  • C. Dennis Edwards I: 2007- Present