Welcome from the Dean

I am excited to welcome each of you to the 2025 SJMBC Allie Ridgle and Myrtle Gillard Christian Leadership Institute!  

The Christian Leadership Institute exits to equip, impact, and inspire. Our vision is transformed minds, hearts, and lives.  Whether you are an instructor, dean, pastor, ministry leader, church leader or seeking personal spiritual development, you will experience deeper spiritual growth through advance study of God’s Word. 

I thank God for His mighty hand that is behind the growth of our Christian Leadership Institute. With the use of technology and emphasis on innovative teaching methods and approaches, we are developing and equipping God’s people through structured training that fosters spiritual growth, nurtures disciples, and helps believers better prepare to serve in whatever area God has called them.  

We offer curriculum that immerses you in biblical knowledge, offering a deeper level of understanding to enhance your spiritual growthdevelopment, and life application. With your continued participation, referrals of family and friends, we pray for continued growth and expansion. 

I extend my sincerest gratitude to my pastor, Rev. C. Dennis Edwards I. for this opportunity to serve and for his continued support of the institute. I thank our dedicated Discipleship Pastor, Rev. William Givens, Sr., our course administrators, Christene Long, Ashley Rodgers, Rosalyn Scruggs, Jimmie Weathersby, and our spirit filled instructors who share their knowledge, expertise, and experience.  

In His Service, 
Kim Hayman, Dean

Upon successful submission of your registration, you will receive a personal email confirmation with your selection. If you do not receive a successful message, please contact Dean Kimberly Hayman at  .

Current Class Offering

This course focuses on the writing requirement for Phase 2 under the Certificate of Progress Program (COPP)/Certified Christian Education Program (CCEP).   Emphasis will be placed on necessary development to complete the writing assignments, including paragraph development, topic sentences to thesis-driven essays.

  • The Elements of Style 4th edition by William Strunk, Jr.
Additional Resources:
  • A Pocket Style Manual, 9th edition, by Diana Hacker

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