February - This is Black History Month

This is Black History Month…Written and submitted by Hosea Long
WOW! A whole month?
I should be beholden to the gods for having bestowed such an honor.
But I find it hard to accept that honor.
When I consider that I come from a place (time and space) that has been integral in creating history for millennia, a month seems insufficient, small, microscopic.
A whole month?
My story reaches back further than the popular purveyors of history care to admit.
Melanated people such as I were there when Christ made that journey down or was it up Via Dolorosa (That way of sorrow) Remember the fellow from Cyrene, a place in Africa, who had his labor appropriated to carry that burdensome cross for a bloody, physically abused Savior.
A whole month?
Looking back folks of the hew of Cyrenian were the denizens of ancient Egypt before it was called that.
Kimmett was its name, and you can see how I looked on the walls of ancient structures that we built to last.
What engineering I applied to the elements given to me by the Creator I started an edifice, knowing I wouldn’t be around to appreciate its beauty.
The pyramids of Giza took generations to conceive, construct and admire.
They were built with longevity the goal, residing with the gods is a long-term affair. A whole month?
My mark on history, her-story, their-story, everybody’s story is ancient, contemporary, with a sign post stuck in the ground somewhere, covered in yet unchartered history, down the road. History that encircles more than four hundred years ago
MLK, Rosa Parks and others honored during Black History Month were linked to ancient DNA. DNA that’s found in nooks and crannies global-wide A whole month?
I’m old and blessed…hope you will be too.