February - Words of Wisdom

by Sandra Fairbanks on February 01, 2025

Imagine for a moment a beautifully crafted vase, each detail reflecting a thoughtful purpose, its colors vibrant and alive. Such is the masterpiece of our lives intricately shaped by the Master Artist. It is written, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  In the grand gallery of creation, we stand as unique exhibits of divine artistry. Yet, in the unseen corners, shadows lurk with the intent to tarnish the brilliance with which we were created. The thief lurks not in pursuit of the worthless, but in relentless pursuit of the valuable -its masterpiece that is our true identity. As beloved creations, we are endowed with an identity that resonates with the rhythm of divine purpose. Within us, there lies an inimitable blend of talents, dreams, and spirit that the world yearns to experience. But beware the adversary is envious of the light we carry. He seeks not only to dim it but to extinguish it, to unravel the tapestry of our identity thread by thread. Yet fear not for we are not left defenseless. Stand firm, therefore, in the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made of his glory.

You are his and, in this truth, your identity remains eternally secure. 

Ref: (Bible for Women) 

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