May - Glorifying God

by Vivian Armstrong on May 09, 2024

I saw this plaque in an advertisement, with me being a quitter I bought it.  It says “Quilting, is the art of stitching together little pieces of yourself, your heart, soul, talent, and vision of using threads of love”. Quilting is relaxing to me.  It also requires plaining, a pattern, fabric, cutting tools, measuring tools, cutting board, thread and a sewing machine.  Quilting is time consuming, frustrating and costly. My stitching may not always be straight, my cutting off, having to make some adjustments, but after putting it together I think I have a masterpiece.  We put lots of time and effort into things we enjoy doing.  How much time do we spend trying to stitch together a broken relationship.  How much time do we spend in prayer for God to create within us a clean heart and renew the right spirit within us.  Praying for a lost soul.  When was the last time we used our God given talents in the service of the Lord, praying and vison for peace on earth, what about praying to God to help you love that neighbor next door.  Remember you are brought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God.  -I Corinthians 6:20

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