The Purpose of SJ YOUNG ADULTS:

We are facilitating spiritual development through worship, prayer, Bible study, and other faith-based activities. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment where young adults can build meaningful relationships and feel a sense of belonging, while also providing opportunities to serve in the community and within ministry. 

Who We Are

For our 18–25-year-olds, this a pivotal time in life, and for those who are a little older, it's more of a transformative period. It's a time of growing independence and self-discovery, where we start to ask important questions like, "What will I do with my life?", "Who am I?", and "What does God have planned for me?" This unique stage of life is a blend of adulthood and the journey towards full independence, often before launching into careers or complete self-sufficiency. It's also when we establish foundational practices that will guide us throughout our lives.

Whether you're attending college or not, starting a career, or navigating other life transitions, if you find yourself in this stage of life, we warmly invite you to join us. Let's navigate this journey together!

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